Why Support SJASC?



In 2011, twelve concerned residents of the Bega Valley recognised not only inequities across the world like the Somalian refugees who brought them together, but the many needs unaddressed on their own doorstep. 

The questions they asked became the platform for the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast Inc. What can I do? How may I help? 

There are now about 50 active Social Justice Advocates, all prepared to put our shoulders to whatever wheel has ground to a halt. While lobbying local, state and federal governments is central to advocacy, direct action is our most effective strategy. 

Aside from the sub-group devoted to housing and homelessness we have four others, each supporting interests we believe need all the help they can get: Indigenous Affairs, Refugee and Asylum Seekers, Timor Leste and Forces for Nature.

In ten years, we have become known as a safe pair of hands for the administration of community donations. Our co-chairman, Mick Brosnan, explains: “If people wonder why they should back us, we can only point to our track record.” 


It includes delivering the Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund in partnership with the BVSC Council, renovating and providing 70 caravans for emergency accommodation from over $100,000 contributed directly to the SJA for the purpose and receiving and utilising of a $100,000 grant from Bega Cheese for developing the Youthland camp at Jigamy Farm. 

When we ask for your support, we hope you will trust us to spend your money as effectively as we can, to make it go as far as we can, because we know that you, like us, want to make a difference.

Contact”  chair@sjasc.org.ausecretary@sjasc.org.au

For more information: our website www.sjasc.org.au  

Also see our Facebook page for updates and developments.