Oh yes ! Man’s inhumanity to man —- The pain to watch this insanity !
Let’s continue please to pray for, cry with, and hope with the people of the Ukraine as they face fear, terror and shattered lives. We can have no real understanding unless we have been in service. BUT we know again about refugees and their fleeing terror. We continue to support in whatever way possible refugees around the world and within our own country —- many here still incarcerated!!!!! Let’s applaud the so many Polish people welcoming and demonstrating real understanding of the meaning of REFUGEES.
From the inception of the Social Justice Advocates, the first actions taken were to support refugees fleeing the terrors of war in Somalia.
Then we have gone on to hold public local refugee Forums, multicultural festivals and especially the hosting of refugees into our communities; all have been the attempt by the members of the SJA to support humanity and the lives of people here and overseas. We work with the Red Cross to present the “In Search Of Safety” refugee programmes in our secondary schools.
It is a huge challenge to our calm, peaceful lifestyles but we must please extend our awareness of and support for ALL REFUGEES – our own shire’s “Welcome to Refugees“.
It is so hard to help those 40 million plus refugees throughout the world – BUT we can help those in our shire and backyard in Australia.
What can I do ????? How may I help ?????
We may seem to be impotent when faced with so many refugees but we must continue awareness, empathy and action strategies that may help; especially for Australian refugees.
*** At the very least we suggest following the ASRC (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre) and it’s actions of immediate support .***
Support our Bega Multicultural Centre working with our community *** reflect upon the millions children suffering starvation in Yemen.
*** reflect upon the millions of women and children suffering the desperation, isolation and threats that invade their lives.
*** reflect upon the elderly displaced and uprooted from what they have always known.
*** ALSO – Devastation hits through floods to our north – thousands dislocated and lives shattered; years of reparation to follow .
In our shire we have suffered over the last two and half years but there is always someone facing far more hardship , terror and #########.
Take care of our neighbours.
Mick Brosnan, Gavin Bell – Co Chairs SJASC Inc.