** Systemic poverty driven by curbing welfare payments !!

Yes this is the nature of our economic planning unless our government alters both Job Seeker payment and the Youth Allowance .

No budget constraints can justify condemning so many people in our communities to suffering from deliberate, planned poverty .

At this time of ANZAC reflection, few of those who have fought for our liberty and opportunistic life style would have considered or condoned such treatment of our young and those struggling to exist in stifling economic circumstances.

———. Equality is a core aspiration in our healthy , flourishing community .

Let’s consider —

Billions of dollars planned in detail for our defence.
Hundreds of millions of dollars planned in detail for tax concessions next year, largely to the benefit of the more wealthy in our country.
We have started to take the rampant climate change seriously in our economic planning.
We are holding a referendum to respect and recognise our First Nations Peoples through the VOICE .
The plight of the NDIS is correctly being considered to enable it to be sustainable.
We know we have to investigate the current sustainability of our aged care sector as it presently operates.
We know we have to consider the whole education system from K to 12 and through the tertiary sector to ascertain whether it is meeting the current and future needs of our society .


Many members of the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast ( SJASC Inc ) are frustrated and aghast at the lack of even discussion of these people in our community .
We know with that winter brings yet more hell for so many .
In our own Bega community, far too many continue to be forced to live in cars and couch surf etc. With huge, increasing accommodation rentals and continued food and service price increases so many suffer daily.
So many are being relegated to poverty and the associated anxiety and stress.

The SJA urges the Federal Government to raise the job seeker payments and the youth allowance supplement – NOW.
We urge the federal government to demonstrate a longer term commitment to support our poorest most vulnerable citizens.
Our community cannot be satisfied with life and our notion of “ fairness “ while so many struggle daily for basic rights in our first world country.

**** Put the same time and energy into planning for our young and those receiving job seeker payments as we put into planning for our defence force spending;
Not doing so will perpetuate inequality in our communities .

Don’t use our limited welfare system to fight inflation.

Members and supporters please consider writing to Kristy McBain (Federal Member for Eden- Monaro electorate) and others about systemic poverty promulgated through economic constraint despite liberal spending and political considerations in so many other spheres.

email: Kristy.McBain.MP@aph.gov.au
Website: https://www.kristymcbain.com.au/
SJA Advocates for all and wants greater societal equality.


Mick Brosnan

Co Chair SJASC Inc.

What can I do?????? How may I help??????


