Submission to National Housing and Homelessness Plan

I would like to encourage all to read this expansive and detailed submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan written by Professor Roz Hansen AM.

Not only is Roz a planning expert with over 40 years experience but we are very fortunate that she is a very active member of the SJA.

I want to draw folks attention to the range of pragmatic ideas offered in this submission.
I also want folks to understand the very detailed support of our SJA crisis transitional homelessness initiative presented in the submission.
Our pathway for homelessness has been achieving significant outcomes even in the short time frame it has been operating.

Please note that our six SJA crisis transitional caravan units are managed by a committee comprising service providers, SJA and a community representatives.
They are operated through a local Bega real estate firm and now supported through a grant, by a part time committee manager.
Together with the nineteen crisis caravans housing about 40 homeless each night throughout our Bega shire, SJA are accommodating about 52 homeless EVERY night.

Roz has developed carefully articulated ideas that are of most concern to all members of the SJA, drawing attention to an ” acute lack of crisis and transitional accommodation for those at risk of becoming homeless for whatever reasons.”
For twelve years the SJA has been developing awareness of and attempted resolutions to this dearth of crisis accommodation.

Please enjoy an expert’s submission to the National  Plan.

Cheers and take care
Mick Brosnan .

Our SJA LIFERAFT disastrous 2019/20 fire caravan initiative moving over 75 vans to impacted properties is in addition to the above work .