SJA June Update #1

ALL WELCOME at our 2024 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 27 June 2024 4.30 PM
CWA Rooms 1/24 Toallo Street Pambula 2549.
Guest speakers Lucy Little (Convenor) and Jack Ewan Grey of the SJA Youth Initiatives Sub-Group.
Refreshments provided
All positions will be declared vacant: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Nominations for positions close 5 PM 26 June, via email to
Or post to PO BOX 352 Pambula 2549. Only current financial members are eligible to nominate.
**All members please note that memberships are due at the end of June each year.
We value your membership and ask that you ensure you remain paid up members.
**Members benefit from receiving regular emails which keep you up to date with SJA goings-on. You can renew
via our web page…..

Working Bee #1
Monday June 17 8.30 – 3.30
Laying pavers working towards completion of new SJA Youth Hub.
At Grow the Future
20 Auckland St Bega.
BBQ lunch provided
Water bottle and gloves essential, Rakes, Shovels, and Wheelbarrows highly regarded.
Enquiries email

What can I do? How may I help?

Working Bee #2
SJA Friends of Potoroo Palace
Saturday June 29 9.30-11.30 am
Continue working on front entrance area
Bring gloves, secateurs, shovels, hedge trimmers, pruning saws, trug tubs.

BYO water and snacks. We have a morning tea at the café afterwards.

Mick Brosnan is very keen to find a car for a local person to use particularly for getting to and from work. 
Bega Valley Shire is so large that a vehicle would answer many issues for this person as work, housing and lifestyle
are inextricably interwoven!
Maybe donation or an affordable price for a reliable second hand vehicle please.
Further information:

Transitional Housing Update:
Dec 13 2023. The ‘Blue Wave’ of SJA supporters filled the council chamber:
At the council meeting councillors voted to wait until the State government completed its two phase process of
looking at moveable dwelling legislation. 
Phase one has now been completed we believe. 
**Almost six months to that day of procrastination.
January 11th 2024
SJA lodged a GIPA Act 2009 (freedom of information) application, to have the legal advice council claims to have
received, released to the SJA – the GIPA fee was formally paid on January 12 2024
This council legal advice was claimed by council staff to be supporting BVSC refusing to support the use of our
crisis transitional caravan moveable dwelling (caravan) units.
This was AFTER we presented council with our SJA legal advice stating that our units were in fact caravans and
therefore should be approved.
This on the basis of consideration from consultation with our solicitor.
Development Application (DA):
SO the retrospective DA demanded by the council was lodged on December 8 2022 –  
Following a motion from Councillor Cathy Griff this DA was ‘fast tracked’ –  
Has still NOT been processed!
550 DAYS and counting !!!!!!!!!! 2 year anniversary rapidly approaching??
February 5 2024
BVSC rejected the GIPA (Freedom of Information) application formally siting ‘commercial confidentiality’ and
potential future legal challenges as the main reasons.
February 19 2024
SJA then applied through the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) to have a review of this rejection of our
GIPA application. Notification of this review was with council on February 19 

May 16 2024
IPC sent its review to council on May 16. 
Whilst not mandatory to do so, the council was advised by the IPC to review its decision in the light of the reasons
produced and release the decision.
May 31 2024
The IPC review of the council’s GIPA appeal for information was again rejected by council by council staff. Similar
reasons were given. 
So, while six months has elapsed since council meeting of 13 Dec 2023, council obfuscation
(noun the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. )
continues despite considerable evidence, legal advice to the contrary and government entities advising
We move to the next steps:

  1. A HUGE debt of gratitude to Roz Hansen AM who has worked tirelessly using her more than 40 years
    experience to be the author of most of the applications and liaison person with our pro bono solicitor.
    Hours and hours of voluntary work.
    Thank you so much Roz! – certainly without you this could not have happened . 
  2.   As of 10/06/24, twenty two (22) caravans and with our eight crisis transitional units we continue to help
    approximately 60 otherwise homeless people in our community EVERY NIGHT.
  3.   What other crisis transitional accommodation is there in Bega Valley Shire??
    How is our CEO and council staff suggesting to house these people??
    Why is the council waiting so deliberately for a state government legislative review???
    Answer: Because our council has lobbied so hard and collaborated with other councils to hold onto an
    outmoded political housing cliché that is “social and affordable housing”.
    Where does the immediate support for our current homeless and those so close to not having their next rent –
    who is supposed to support these folks ????
    Certainly NOT  “social and affordable housing “.
    We need shelters —.   NOW NOW NOW not in two to five years ?
    What can I do ? How may I help ? 
    We must keep fighting for all people who need and expect the right to have a shelter called HOME . 

Rising Tide
Get Tickets:

C:\Users\russell.jennings\Pictures\SJA\Franklin 3.jpg

Scholarships opportunity:
Mumbulla Community Foundation,, is delighted to announce the 2024 program of scholarships to support
continuing education for residents of the Bega Valley. These scholarships, of up to $1000 each, are open to
applicants of all ages who are enrolled in accredited by the Australian Qualification Framework courses.
Applications for this program are open from 10 June, 9 am and close on 19 July 2024, 5 pm. See
These scholarships aim to provide financial assistance for people who are looking to pursue further education. We
hope that these scholarships will help to promote learning and professional development within our community.
For more information regarding eligibility criteria and how to apply for this scholarship, please visit

SJA Environment:
Save the Date: ‘The Peoples Blockade’ Friday Nov 22nd – Sunday Nov 24 th 2024
The Rising Tide group is building a peaceful mass movement for climate defence. Read more
The Rising Tide group are planning an even bigger floating blockade of the Port of Newcastle in November 2024.
Let’s bring a bus load of Social Justice Advocates and friends to this event? Who is in? BYO floating device ie
kayak, sit-on-top, SUP, Surfboard etc. Please spread the word…
Enough is enough!!!

Save this date: The Peoples Blockade 2024: Friday Nov 22nd – Sunday Nov 24 th 2024. More details to come

Contact :