Report from Housing Homeless sub group

14th April, 2022

Much discussion around way forward with Reflections in Pambula , land use and alternative units.

KEEN TO demonstrate efforts  and successful use of the community donations for our homeless . This is our focus. 
Noted that the Housing Strategy goes to council mid April and then the implementation with key performance indicators needing to be identified.

Three stages forward to proceed simultaneously :
1 Refection Park discussions  extended with use of Caravan style unit and / or other type of unit that would indeed be acceptable to the park for three or five sites . 
Three sites at this park were asked for initially .

** Mick to talk with Cameron Tynan re the above AND to approach Kalaru in similar way for homeless accommodation.
** Gavin to ask general question re same placement at the Bega caravan park . 

2 Seeking legal advice as to use of private land .
** Sara and Barbara have offered to privately retain legal advice re the use potential for private land . They will ascertain the possibilities for themselves  and the SJA, and will advisewhen / if the cost of this legal advice requires SJA help. 
This was considered essential before proceeding further without roadblocks often currently faced.

3 The use of Bega council community designated land . 
** Ray to write draft of email for all councillors seeking to gain temporary alternative usage of currently designated
(non residential)  community land  for homeless units / caravan units .
** second aspect of this email is the longer term re zoning off community land  as identified by local councillor Joy Robin.

Very fruitful discussions thanks  to all.
Meanwhile vans are in demand continuously. 


    SJA is also advocating in support of 

# Anglicare vis a vis the return of Nullica Lodge to the community with social housing rooms for over fifties and disability accommodation. We would like to have these accommodation assets in Eden. 

# Tathra Uniting Church is considering the re purposing of their church and surrounding land for social and affordable housing. This is a huge initiative with great potential. Very significant creative discussions are being held around this compassionate review. 

Also started discussions re the temporary use of some of this land for our caravan unit model.

# the adoption and implementation of the Bega Council’s Draft Housing Strategy are also vital for any significant response to the Valley’s housing crisis and we are planning activities around this coming policy initiative.


    ** Sleep On It ——- Friday 8 th at the Bega Showgrounds 

        Music 4 to 8 all welcome 

         Sleep 8 to 8 all welcome .

        HELP ALSO most welcomed please 

Come along to this event in homelessness week . 

We do not celebrate but respond !!!!

What can I do.  ???????  How may I help. ??????

** SJA music festival 3til 9 at Longstocking —-
All proceeds to SJA Homelessness campaign . 

Mick Brosnan