*** “It’s Up to Us“ FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN to raise money to purchase a two bedroom unit is well and truly underway.
At time of writing approximately $74,000 has been raised. —- SIMPLY AMAZING.
This toward a target of $100,000 and designed to back three major events to raise money for this SJA project ,..
(Note: The amazing amount of $74,000 toward $100,000 is in addition to the $55,000 already in hand from the sale of another property, and becomes part of the total of $155,000 needed to carry the project forward. $26,000 still to go, to complete the job. It’s Up To Us!)
Sleep On It event is still slated for the Friday 22nd of October.
The 21ST November music concert organised by the Figmentz is still going ahead at this stage.
We live in hope for both events and the hard work of organisers.
Please encourage all to participate and / or donate as the cost of real estate is simply staggering !!!!!!!!—.
As Peter Reid said ————— It’s Up To Us!!!
*** The draft Affordable Housing Strategy paper has been handed down and the council is working through this to develop a plan for the future.
It is certainly the most hopeful comprehensive study and plan I have seen. Were it to be adopted in main then there would be changes and advances for all of our community in relation to housing.
Crisis / Transitional housing is addressed in context and has I believe been recognised properly for the first time.
*** I addressed Council re the crisis that is our homelessness in the shire.
Through a motion initially forwarded by CR Griff, actions related to crisis accommodation were taken. These include a letter to shire caravan parks to support our SJA crisis caravan project.
*** Shire Caravan Project
- two caravans returned from the fire sites and with Geof Prigge performing his magic they are now out, or about to go, to homeless people.
- Some other donated vans refurbished and out last week and this week for homeless.
- All the allocations through the Mission Australia liaison or with SEWACS Youth direction and guidance.
- Caravan movements every week especially with the homeless crisis in our shire.
*** Finally through the great work of Wendy Wait, we have been able to support the family made homeless through an accidental fire in Eden.
- We have located and had donated a building to replace the house. SUCH GENEROSITY. Wendy is organising a van and annex from Tathra caravan park for temporary accommodation for the family on their property — thanks again for the donation .
- We have organised transport and will advise of a working bee to -MAKE THIS HAPPEN !
- Now however Wendy faces the onerous tasks of completing the DA required before the van can go back onto the site.
- That’s not all folks – then there is the $44,000 cost to clear the site of the debris ( asbestos )
- All this for a family that HAS NOTHING
- Tip fee component of this is $22,000 , yes you have read correctly.
- Cr Jo Dodds has agreed to our request to lobby council about this massive impost.
- Thanks Jo very much and we wait in hope.
- Still need to raise the remaining $22,000 however.
*** There’s also
- The disaster fund which is of course occupying a lot of time and has allocated over $600,000 back to our community
2. The work happening on a daily basis between SJA and Rotary out in the fire properties helping with shelter and sanitation- and council involvement esp with the fabulous case workers such as Dianne Beckett our secretary.
3. Today is International Suicide Prevention Day – so huge a impact on lives in our shire
THANKS FOR READING folks and know that there is a lot happening in the crisis housing / caravan arena .
What Can I Do ??? How May I Help ???
Mick b