Potoroo Working bee

June 29, 2024

SJA friends of Potoroo Palace working bee is on Saturday 29th June 2024

Hope you can come along and support Potoroo Palace by attending our next working bee on Saturday 29th June starting at 9.30am till around 11.30am - 12 noon. Invite a friend along? We will continue working and beautifying the front entrance to Potoroo Palace.

Please bring along gloves, secateurs, shovels, hedge trimmers, pruning saws, trug tubs if you have them.

BYO water and snacks/ food and coffee is also available at the Potoroo cafe. We always have a cuppa afterwards…

We look forward to continuing our support of our Potoroo Palace and the amazing crew who care for our native animals.

Hope to see you there? If you can confirm you are coming would be appreciated.

Wendy Wait                                                                                                                                                                                SJA Environment Convenor

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