Minutes of Meeting of 08 Sept 2022

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The Minutes of this meeting (below) can be found under ‘Meetings’ on the menu.

Meeting opened at 7:00pm.

Present:- Chris Tynan, Ray Tynan, Peter Reid, Dianne Beckett, Wendy Wait, Russell Jennings, Peter Gordon, Kylie Furnell, Mahalia Smith Macpherson, Anne Wykes, Celi Kennedy, Barb Toner, Gavin Bell, Mick Brosnan.

Apologies:- Naomi White, Hugo White, Dave Gallen, Zoe Benton, Jan Madena, Peter Charlton, Susan McGee, Pam Owen.

Thanks to new committee members, Anne Wykes, Deputy Chair, Beryl McGrath, Minutes Secretary, and Peter Reid, Treasurer.
Naomi White is our new SJASC member of Bega Valley community Disaster Relief Fund (BVCDRF)
Thank you to the outgoing committee members, Karen Gillespie, Di Beckett and Celi Kennedy for their wonderful contribution.

Minutes of the last meeting were circulated prior to the meeting. Moved that the minutes be accepted, Peter Gorton, seconded, Peter Reid. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report
All accounts, profit and loss, were read out.
Final funds as at 31 August 2022 – $217,803.84.
Xero – increase in subscription for extension of services. Authorised by Kothes.
$5000 paid to Mick Brosnan who explained what the money was used for. He wanted to be transparent as to where the money was spent.
There is $110,000 in the fund for immediate distribution through the fund at time of another declared natural disaster.
Moved Peter Reid, seconded, Celi Kennedy . Carried

Housing report
Caravans have appreciated in value.
Reflections caravan park have not yet signed lease. It will be $5000 per annum.
$280 per week for two sites in Pambula three in Bega goes to paying lease and repairs. Paid three monthly. Approximate income $1700 net per week when eight units are established.
Lease with Bega, $0. 60% of rent of the rental income paid to the Uniting Church quarterly. House which was donated to SJASC opposite Pambula Merimbula Golf Club is rented out until mid January 2023 only for $300 per week. Tenant pays gas and water, power comes out of rent.
Caravans and units available for people through one of the service providers.
Ray Tynan suggested we monitor the Public Housing Vacancies.
Housing sub group. – council has to go public.
The main issue is with housing, not employment.

Nullica Lodge needs to be used again. It is urgently needed for aged accommodation.

1. Age of detention / incarceration
2. Assistance to the Eden Canoes Project.
3. Grant to Bega local area land council for a holiday programme.
4. Attended the community meeting red the Bundian Way.Meeting well attended.

Three people looking for caravans.

Forces ofor Nature
Single use plastics now in Merimbula and going to Tathra
Great work much appreciated.

Asylum Seekers/Refugees
Refugee and asylum seekers to come to the Bega valley.
October 20th – 47 refugees from Canberra
Half the group to Bega – the northern group
Other half – to St Clements
Host families have volunteered their homes.

Music Festival
November 6th – at Oakland’s, Longstocking brewery., raising money for housing
A rotary type bin to be at the entrance for donations. This is to support “It’s up to us” campaign
Volunteers called for on the day

Multicultural Food and Music Fest
November 12th, runs from 10 – 4, at Wolumla Hall.
Help wanted on the day to set up and clean up.

Arts Grants
Anne has emailed schools with information regarding these awards, not grants. $500 is to be allocated per annum. The school will decide which student will benefit.

Motion:- donation to Potoroo Palace to be made after the refugee gathering on Sunday morning there. Moved Mick Brosnan, seconded Gavin Bell. Approved.

Saturday am – Pambula Life Saving Club
Monday, Gavin to see Bill McDonald from Rotary. Furniture to go to Bega
Caravans still being moved (3)
2 camper trailers for sale.
Collection of food still happening to go to Eden.
Naomi White – convenor – there is $110 in disaster fund.
Jack Martin Park needs upgrading, needs to be back in the community again.
Coffee is once again being sold the price is $12 with $4 profit going to Timor Leste.
Next year a choir from Timor Leste is visiting here.
Ben Drysdale will donate money at Candelo.
Concert free – performers act story.
Free entry or coin donation to SJASC
Book about Uluṟu Statement prepared by Lumen Christi students was taken to parliament by students.
Xtra Flooring has a 4 year apprenticeship available for a floor technician. Needs to be advertised.

Mick And Gavin are not going to be co-chairs in a year’s time, therefore a transition is needed to take over these tasks.

Youth Group – needs young people to sign up.

Meeting closed at 8:50pm.