- From Kristy McBain, Member from Eden-Monaro advising of Stronger Community Grants
- Letter from UNHCR
- Letter from Street Smart
- Letter received by the Indigenous Sub-Group responding to the group’s representation relating to the age of criminal responsibility.
Indigenous Issues
They have not met for some time due to COVID restrictions but hope to meet later this month (November).
Forces for Nature
A need to consider where the next community solar installation should be donated.
The group plans to take the No Single Use Plastics campaign to Merimbula in February.
A questionnaire relating to action required on climate change has been sent to all candidates for the Bega Valley Shire Council elections to be held 4 December 2021.
Change of date for dinner and film evening at Potoroo Palace. This will now be held at 6pm on Thursday 6 January 2022. Places are limited so there is a need to advise Wendy of your planned attendance and deposit $30 in the SJA General Account, BSB 633 000, Acc No. 157 357 567, Referencing your Surname and Potoroo Palace.
There will be another Working Bee at Potoroo Palace on Saturday 11 December 2021. Our efforts were much appreciated and we made a big difference in a reasonably short amount of time and were then treated to a barbecue lunch.
The SJA Youth Climate Action Group will meet on 12 November 2021.
Bega Valley Advocates for Timor Leste
Arrangement for the choir visit have stalled due to COVID.
The materials to restore the water supply have been delivered and put to use.
Recipients of scholarships for University Teaching qualifications are now teaching other teachers. This is a wonderful achievement.
Refugees/Asylum Seekers
Sponsorship is on the agenda. The group have the funds from the very successful 50/50 dinners. They are ready to have an Afghan refugee in the Bega Valley.
It is hoped that In Search of Safety (ISOS) can soon go ahead.
St James House is back in action.
During September/October a caravan was moved or allocated every second day.
There are none available at present. The need is still very much there.
Council has a Housing Affordability Strategy and SJA needs to focus on that. Bega District News reporter Eloise Bailey has produced an excellent article summarising the strategy.
In addition to the need for 2500 additional houses by 2036 there is a present need for a Youth Refuge and a Men’s Refuge.
It’s Up to Us
Now over the $80,000 mark (much credit to Barbara for her publicity skills). This has been achieved despite the three major events planned having been postponed.
Jo suggested a campaign where people donate what they can afford, e.g. the price of a coffee, a lunch, a dinner, or a weekend away.
Kameruka Music Festival will provide opportunities to fund raise, and Danielle will seek corporate sponsorship for SJA next year.
Mick has received offers of assistance from two builders – this in addition to the support from Mark Smith and Bill Foxwell.
Ray raised the possibility of second storeys on existing single storey buildings.
General Business
Domestic Violence: A grant of $10,000 has been received and will be used by Stand by U to purchase duress watches. To be administered by Sapphire Coast Family Services.
Markets and furniture distribution: While we will not be running the Samaritan Shop we will have a presence at markets, and we do have furniture and white goods to assist individuals in need.
Sanitation Project: Lyn Koerbin of Pambula Rotary hopes to have funding for another 20 units next year, to be installed with the volunteer skilled labour of Mick Brosnan, Mark Smith and Bill Foxwell. All Hands All Hearts (AHAH) have donated the tools they used in their work in the Shire to the Bega Valley Shire Council.
Bega Valley Disaster Relief Fund: Has distributed at least $600,000 and is holding approximately $100,000 but needs more to be ready for the next disaster.
Youthlands: Very close to completion, again thanks to Mark Smith and Bill Foxwell.
Music Container (Beryl): It is hoped to have Beryl mobile by the end of this month, and she should be in action at the Pambula Market on Sunday, 2 December 2021.
Arts Grants: These grants which use funds from Dreamcoat Productions are being distributed. All school have responded.
Uluru T-Shirts: The meeting approved the purchase of 20 t-shirts for members of the Lumen Christi Social Justice Advocates and associated staff at the school. Moved Mick Brosnan and seconded Celi Kennedy. Carried
Papua New Guinea: The meeting endorsed a donation of $500 to Josephine, our contact in Papua New Guinea for the local (in PNG) purchase of hand sanitiser, masks and other supplies. This was matched by Rotary.
Next meeting: Our next meeting will be in February 2022 and we hope to use the CWA Rooms at Pambula. It is planned to maintain the Zoom option for those who prefer it.
Closing: In closing the meeting Gavin urged us to consider how much we have to be grateful for, living in the Bega Valley.
Meeting concluded about 8.30.
(Next meeting: Thursday, 10 February, 2022)