Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast
Minutes of Annual General Meeting (AGM) held 14 July 2022
Mtg commenced at 7.05pm.
Present: Gavin Bell, Mick Brosnan, Pete Gorton, Mahlia MacPherson, Peter Reid, Ann Wykes, Jan Midena, Dave Gallan, Hugo White, Chris and Ray Tynan and Steve Tynan, Dianne Beckett
Apologies: Karen Gillespie, Ian MacLiesh, Peter Charlton, Paul Cosgrave, Wendy Wait, John Liston, Kate Liston-Mills, Karen Duncan, Denise Perry, Barbara Jones, Sara Williams, Jo Riley-Fitzer, Peter and Pam Skelton, Kylie Furnell and Bob Grasby.
Gavin opened the meeting with a welcome and commenced by inviting attendees to briefly introduce themselves.
Mick acknowledged that we met on the land of the Traditional Elders and thanked them for their continuing custodianship of the land.
The Executive then stood down for the election of office bearers.
Gavin read the minutes of last year’s AGM. Moved Mick that they be accepted and carried unanimously.
The audited financial statements were tabled and accepted.
Gavin then gave his Chairperson’s report, thanking members of the executive for their work through the year. He spoke of the Multicultural and Refugee Settlement Services (MARSS) visit, hosting 50 guests in October. Gavin acknowledged the strength of SJA’s networks in contributing to our success over the year, particularly in relation to It’s Up to Us.
With the agreement of all present Mick guided the elections.
Mick called for nominations, commencing with Chairperson. Peter Reid and Ann Wykes nominated Mick for Chairperson. Gavin advised that he and Mick would continue as Co-chairs for the following 12 months but plan to stand down at the next Annual General Meeting. The meeting welcomed and accepted this. Peter Reid suggested need to prepare for next year.
Deputy Chair: No nominations – left vacant.
Secretary: Mick thanked Di for her work in the role. Requirements outlined. No nominations – left vacant.
Treasurer: Celi resigned after great work for a number of years. We have book-keeper Robyn Morales. No nominations – left vacant.
Public Officer: Pam Skelton may consider going forward.
The question of who looks after website was raised. There is a media group including Mahlia, Kate and Mick. Kate and Russell Jennings look after the Facebook page.
The AGM concluded at 7.33, followed by a general meeting.