Renowned Marine Biologist and Al Gore Climate Reality Leader, Dr Marji Puotinen on Thursday 25th May 3-6 pm at ‘Aqua’ Pambula Beach.
All are welcome to attend.
Below is information about Dr Marji Puotinen
A recent survey of 10,000+ kids in 10 countries showed that most are worried about how climate change will affect their future, with almost 45% so worried that it adversely impacts their daily lives. What if kids had a way to express how they feel about what is happening to their world, and a way to join together to ensure their voices are heard by decision makers? Dr. Marji Puotinen is a renowned coral reef scientist in Perth, Australia who engages with people of all ages about how climate change is affecting coral reefs, penguin and people – and what each and all of us can do about it. She runs collaborative international art projects for kids ( that give kids a collective voice to decision makers via GIANT (7 m long by 4 m wide) banners of 1000s of drawings from around the world that she is filming at schools and in forest around the world (18 schools, 6 countries so far). The 2021 banner of 2,629 drawings from 33 nations was showcased at COP26 in Glasgow and a video of its travels was part of the Global Stocktake at COP27 (watch the video here –
We look forward to seeing you at Aqua, Pambula Beach on Thursday 25th May at 3pm?
Please spread the word about this event via your networks and invite your family and friends along too.
Wendy Wait
Environment Convenor- Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast.