10 May 2022 – 11 days before the election.
Don’t miss ‘Decarbonise or Die‘ with our three outstanding presenters, all of whom are directly involved in the rapid transition to Australia’s net zero. And the timing of this Webinar – 11 days before the election – is ripe for this important discussion.
Simon Holmes à Court is Founder of Climate 200, supporting independent election candidates around Australia and is investing in clean energy solutions – Simon can tell us how we can be part of this transition,
Rebecca Mikula-Wright, as CEO of Australia’s Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) and the Asian Group (AIGCC), will provide insight on renewable investment strategies, across Asia & Aust/NZ, and
Ivor Frischknecht, Chair of the Advisory Group to Solar Victoria, Non-Executive Director of Race for 2030 and previous CEO of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), will outline the pathway for an even more rapid transition.
For Registration: www.climateandpeace.com.au
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Dianne Beckett