Chairperson needed

Social Justice Advocates (SJA) are actively recruiting for a suitable person to take on the Chairperson role from July 2023.

You may be aware that founding member Mick Brosnan has performed this role for a number of years, more recently with Gavin Bell as co-chair.

They both plan to continue their non-Chair work within SJA beyond the transition to a new Chair.

The SJA Executive, working on the transition, are seeking expressions of interest for the role of Chair from SJA members.

For those interested, please find attached the SJA Chair Selection Tool Kit which the Executive is using in their new Chair selection process.

If you would like to discuss the position please contact Peter Reid, via email address

Please reply on or before Dec 30.

Russell Jennings

Details below:


Of perpetual significance to the SJA Chair is our Mission Statement:

To advocate for the rights of people, in particular the poor, the homeless and the disadvantaged in the Bega Valley. We try to support the advancement of those who are in some way ostracized in their daily lives.

Benefits of being SJA Chair :

Being the SJA Chair provides an opportunity to take a key leadership role in a highly effective and respected community organisation in the Bega Valley.


  • Ability to meet, communicate and share information with, and respond appropriately to reports and requests from, SJASC sub-groups and the SJA Executive.
  • Willingness, confidence and ability to represent the SJASC in community activities and public relations activities. Includes

–  lobbying on behalf of, and promotion of SJASC
–  proactive and reactive media interviews re SJASC activities
–  dealing with Bega Valley dignitaries, groups, societies and individuals

  •  Ability to organise, host, and chair successful meetings
  •   Ability to co-chair quarterly meetings of the Bega Valley Community Disaster       Relief fund ( they have their own secretariat )
  •   Willingness to represent the SJASC as a member of the Affordable Housing          Strategy Management Committee
  • The ability to enact the auspicing of other community groups


–  Empathy and Compassion
–  Strong desire to support the disadvantaged in our community
–  An action oriented mindset
–  Ability to deal effectively with criticism


– Co-authorise  Bendigo Bank Transactions    Very light workload
– Prepare agenda items for, and share the chairing of meetings –  every two months . Includes communicating with guests where applicable. 15 minutes per week
– Receive and consider / act on emails and reports from sub groups. Include in meeting agendas where appropriate.     About I hour per week 
– Meet with Executive and Sub-Groups as appropriate.
– Liaise, meet with, address other groups and societies in the shire on behalf of SJASC –  Probus , Country Womens’ Association,  Lions Club , BMC, ERRA, Rotary, Service providers, Case workers .                  30 minutes per week
– Co chair Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund every three months  ( they have their own secretariat)               15 minutes per week
– Participate as member of Affordable Housing Strategy Management Committee.  15 minutes per week
This could be transferred to the Housing / Homeless sub group.
– Keep up to date with sub group activities and communicate with convenors as required . Integral role of Chair.           Two hours per week
– Maintain an active role in activities such as the multicultural festival , music festival , refugee weekend , parliament Uluṟu trip , forums with Indigenous group .etc.            15 minutes per week.
– Public relations activities including lobbying on behalf of, and promotion of SJASC. Includes proactive and reactive media interviews re our activities . Integral role of Chair         15 minutes per week

Total estimated time per week, on average, 4 to 5 hours.

Note that :

The Chairperson is not required to write grant applications.
That is carried out by sub-groups.

Statutory Responsibilities are carried out by :
Robyn Morillas ( SJA Book keeper) :
– Financial reports and Audits
Pam Skelton  ( SJA Public Officer ) :
– Charity Updates and Compliance


As of November 2022, out-going Chairs Mick Brosnan and Gavin Bell plan to continue working for the SJA, including undertaking the following roles :

These are things the Chair is not obliged to do.


  • Co-ordinate Refugee visits
  • Organise Multicultural Day
  • Networking for assistance / Fundraising
  • Coffee Supplies for Timor Leste Support
  • Attending various Sub Group meetings / working bees when I can
  • Attending / organising General Meetings
  • Support for other events – Sleep on it
  • Meeting with Mick regularly to throw ideas around and organise events
  • Volunteer for Rotary markets occasionally


– Convene  homeless and housing sub group . 
– Fund raising
– Caravan purchase  / donations , liaise with cleaning , and move to and from sites and liaison around this role.  Communications and phone calls from the public in relation to the above . 
– Liaise with housing providers mission Australia , SEWACS Youth , Family and Community services and Wellways 
– Assist with the current SJA caravan crisis unit management group that is completing the community nature of our crisis housing initiative – role to lessen.
– Collect and deliver furniture in conjunction with providers mentioned above.
– Food collection roster and collect food as rostered. 
– St James house roster 
– Music stage driver and liaison around this . We are a partner with Rotary in this resilience initiative. 
– Fire related sheds and bathrooms . SJA is a partner with the Rotary Club of Pambula and the BVSC  in this project for disaster resilience . 
– Rotary markets as required on behalf of the charity . 
– Liaise  with the various Youth groups such as LCCC , Potoroo and hopefully a new indigenous element for the continuation of the historic walk . 

Note that Mick says………..
Re the handover, I am prepared to continue with the non chair roles but would always be keen for others to step in , takeover and or assist .