Being a Climate Change Warrior
The Climate Council’s top eight suggestions on how to be a climate warrior: 1. Take collective action Band together with others in the community: Sign petitions, write emails to your local…
The Climate Council’s top eight suggestions on how to be a climate warrior: 1. Take collective action Band together with others in the community: Sign petitions, write emails to your local…
Pull up to Parliament, crunchtimeaus and Social Justice Advocates – October 2024 I want to give a special shout out to Jacob Shields, Juliet Fontaine, Freya Occleshaw and Poppy Collins,…
SJA YG MEETING MINUTES: 13 Sep 2023, CWA PambulaApologies: Juliet F, Toby J, Mick BPresent: Freya Occleshaw, Jacob Shields, Poppy Collins, Pete Gorton, Peter Reid, Gavin Bell,Wendy WaitSJA YG Worker…
A few members of the SJA environment group are going to join with Clean Curalo at a tree planting working bee on Sunday 13th August. As the saying goes:The best…
Renowned Marine Biologist and Al Gore Climate Reality Leader, Dr Marji Puotinen on Thursday 25th May 3-6 pm at 'Aqua' Pambula Beach. All are welcome to attend. Below is information about Dr Marji Puotinen A recent survey of…