The Bega Chapter of the SJA was formed to enable people from around Bega to meet without having to travel to Pambula for meetings.
The Bega Chapter works in line with broader SJA goals and aspirations. It is simply an extension of the SJA.
In 2023, the Bega Chapter is focussed on two key issues……….assisting migrants and refugees who have chosen the Bega Valley as their new home, and working in conjunction with the nationwide YES 23 campaign to promote the YES vote in the up-coming referendum seeking recognition of our First Nations’ people in the Australian Constitution and providing a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
The Bega chapter of Social Justice Advocates meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the Uniting Church building in Bega.
Join us for our monthly ethnic fund raising dinners.
For more information, contact Janet Reynolds at